Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The 10 Fruits for Better Skin

Our skin is the largest organ in our body and believe it or not, it's our first barrier of defense as well as our means of touching and feeling the world we live in. Now who wouldn't want better skin right? Imagine a healthy skin devoid of any blemishes and is supple, soft, and wrinkle free. Ahh, the dream of every dermatologist indeed. In this post we will talk of FRUITS, yes fruits, which can have drastic effects on how your skin looks and how you feel. You'll Feel Better knowing you are beautifying your skin the most NATURAL way, without any side effects, or unwanted complications. When I say natural I also mean nutrition-wise and that means we will be eating our fruit, not blending it to a paste and apply it all over ourselves.

Firstly let's talk about what to avoid and what to do more of before we even consider the fruits we would love to buy every time we go to the supermarket for that "I look and feel young" skin. Here are the things to avoid:

1. Too much sunlight. UV rays damage our skin by producing toxic free radicals which must be repaired by our cells. I always advise patients and people in general that if you were to expose yourself to the sun excessively you should eat foods that have high anti-oxidant value, as well as supplement with vitamins which help repair cells from free radical damage (Vitamins E, C, and A). Also, remember that as a natural defense mechanism for our skin against harmful sun-rays it produces more of the pigment melanin. That explains why we get darker the longer we stay out in the sun.

2. Stress. Stress can have profound effects on our skin. It decreases our immune systems ability to counter infection. It also contributes to free radical production which is a big factor in that it speeds up aging ( and wrinkling of our skin). What's more is that stress affects the digestion of our food, hence limiting the amount of much needed nutrients to our skin.

3. Not enough sleep. Sleep is the way by which our bodies rest. It's also the avenue by which our body regenerates its reserves to rebuild or repair our cells and tissues. One such repair is eradication of free radicals. Deprivation or lack of sleep not only affects our mental and physiologic functions but also is a major cause of auto accidents year in and year out.

4. Bad Hygienic practices. This is obvious folks. Good hygienic practices promotes better health and better skin.

5. Exposure to caustic substances and /or chemicals. Read the labels of every chemical you come in contact with and I mean EVERY chemical. Look for the WARNING sign and read it. If in doubt, wear gloves. You'll be glad you did. It's common sense.

So, we have talked about what to avoid altogether and now let's consider what to do more of for that healthy skin:

1. Water. Let me let you in on a little secret. WATER IS THE SECRET TO ALL LIFE. Imagine where we would be without water. Water is the most natural purifier for your skin. Adequate hydration removes unwanted toxins from our body for that healthy, glowing, and radiant skin. Also, what's important to remember is that we ourselves, our bodies, is over 70% water. That is why prolonged dehydration can have deadly effects in our body. Here's another TIP on water you may already know: When you wash your face wash first with warm water, soap and work the lather around in circles to promote circulation in your skin. Also keep your hands warm by immersing them in lukewarm water often. This will help open your pores. Rinse with lukewarm water again then with cold water to close your pores. Pat with towel to dry.

2. Exercise. Exercise does wonders for your skin!! Let me repeat that. Exercise does wonders for your skin. During exercise, the increase in circulation also increases the rate by which we remove unwanted wastes and toxins from our bodies as well as speeding up cell rejuvination and renewal. Remember that as we sweat we also sweat off some of these toxins. Exercise is also a means to fight stress and we already talked about what stress can do to your radiant skin.

3. Massage. Massage like exercise improves circulation and muscle tone. By massaging our skin we help circulation flow optimally. Massaging also relieves stress.

So we have talked about what to avoid and what to do more of and we have talked about a handful, actually. Whew! Hey, helpful knowledge isn't helpful if it's not shared and put to good use right? The FRUITS for better skin are the following;

1. Papaya. Like I said in one of my previous posts, this is an amazing fruit. Do you know why all the hype about papaya being an effective skin whitener? Well, its because it contains a digestive enzyme called PAPAIN which clears damage caused by free radicals. The fruit itself is also rich in beta-carotene which is a good anti-oxidant against free radical damage. Papaya can keep you always looking young. A magical fruit indeed.

2. Pumpkin. Has anti-aging properties when applied on the skin. Also has anti-aging properties when eaten due to its rich content of Beta-carotene.

3. Grapefruit( Pink). This fruit as well as other citrus fruits high in Vit. C (Ascorbic Acid) is an excellent exfoliant when applied directly to the skin. When eaten it has anti-oxidant properties, helping delay aging.

4. Berries. Rich in anti-oxidants. Delay aging process.

5. Pineapple. A terrific skin softener when applied over rough spots. Also a major source of Vit. C when eaten. Vit. C helps fight off free radical damage and also helps delay the aging process.

6. Watermelon. This fruit is the richest source of Lycopene in any fruit or vegetable ( surprise!) and it has been shown to prevent UV damage by as much as 40%. Lycopene is an anti-oxidant that scavenges free radical and prevents them from damaging cells. You can look younger with daily servings of this fruit. A healthy summer fruit indeed, just in time for it's protective properties too.

7. Pomegranate. Shows promise as the next anti-aging wonder. This fruit contains an enzyme which prevents sub-structural breakdown of our skin. Also, the oil extract from its seeds has been shown to have rejuvinating properties when applied to your skin.

8. Avocado. This fruit is rich in fiber, minerals, and the "good" fats. It's also a good source of the anti-oxidant vitamin, Vit. E. When applied as a mask it helps remove skin impurities.

9. Apples. This fruit is another overlooked wonder. It helps tone, rejuvinates, and aids in healing our skin. Also, apples contain a substance called PECTIN which has been shown to be effective against acne.

10. Grapes. Rich in anti-oxidants which help delay the aging process.Also improves metabolism. Resveratrol, found on the skin of grapes have anti-cancer properties.

So there are our TOP 10 Fruits for Better Skin. Try them and see how they can make you Feel Better Today. Looking young and radiant is worth going through this list and expanding your own is it not? Until our next post. Do take care, always.

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