Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Food and Nutrition Guide For Your Kids

Good nutrition starts at home. Good nutrition practices starts at home as well. What our kids eat depend entirely on how we guide them towards proper and sound nutritional practices. Did you know that in some parts of the world malnutrition is the number one problem among children? Some kids don't eat enough and, therefore, would rather stay home or help out as bread-winners, than go to school. Here, in the U.S., the issue of malnutrition takes on a different spectrum as kids are becoming more and more obese. You see, under-nutrition and over-nutrition are two conditions classified under malnutrition.

It is then important to educate our kids what Proper Nutrition is and which food types and groups should be eaten more of or avoided if and whenever possible. Well, the funny thing is all that tastes so good turns out to be detrimental to our health and the health of our children. What's more, as our kids enter pre-school and even thereafter, there peers have a profound influence in what they choose to eat while at school. Besides that, media such as television encourage our children to eat more of what we normally call "junk food". Let me get one thing clear folks, all foods ( even junk foods) have nutritional value- but some foods are more nutritious than others. Having said that it's important then to slowly ween our kids away from foods poor in nutritional value and unhealthy eating habits and practices. Of course, as a parent, you should start by leading through example. If your kids see you eat ice cream, candy bars, chips, etc., they will immediately associate those foods as being good since mom and dad can't seem to get enough of them. What I mean is YOU are your kids Food and Nutrition Guide expert. Here are some guidelines which can help:

1. Make a poster of the Food Pyramid and every time your child gets something to eat in the fridge have him or her point to the pyramid, indicating what food group is she actually eating.
2. Lessen TV hours. A lesser exposure to food advertising won't encourage our kids to "try" that new candy bar.
3. Pack their lunches. Only pack what you prepare. Include a fruit or two and leave out the soda, chips, and cookies.
4. Talk to your kids about peer pressure and occasionally ask them what they had over at their friend's house for lunch if they were over.
5. Understand that as our kids grow their nutritional requirements change. As their bodies undergo physiologic changes, their cells and organ systems require more macro- and micro- nutrients.
6. Lessen your child's intake of sugar or sweet foods. Studies have shown that kids acquiring a sweet tooth early in life are usually overweight, obese, and diabetic as an adult.
7. Preparation is key. Try to think of ways to prepare green leafy vegetables, fishes, beans, pasta, and other food types they don't normally eat. A new recipe of green peas may entice little jimmy into eating his peas instead of pushing them to the side of his plate like he normally does.
8. Remember that the family's eating habits at home must be the same as when you go out. If the whole family goes out for a picnic don't go buying a bucket of greasy chicken when you can pack fruits, salads, sandwiches, cheeses, etc.
9. Start your kids early in activity. Don't let them sit around the house but encourage them to be active. By training their bodies to utilize glucose and other nutrients early, they will less likely be obese.
10. Teach your kids how to read food labels and let them know which stuff is good or bad in that little enclosed box. The best thing to do is to teach them that natural foods are always best, packed and packaged foods are a no-no.

Every parent has his or her way of educating their children on Proper Nutrition. Of course we should always practice what we preach and be informed or be aware of what constitutes good nutrition and good nutritional practices. Being your own "Food and Nutrition Guide For Your Kids" guru isn't easy, but as a parent your kids need you to be their expert. You'll be glad you did. So, happy packing folks ( lay off that soft drink for a while) and head out to the park for a quite Saturday afternoon picnic, and, oh yeah, grab a fruit basket at your local supermarket on your way there. Until our next post, take care guys.

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