Saturday, June 8, 2013

Change the way you THINK about weight loss

If you go to the internet or even just by watching television you'll find that there is a whole different stratosphere when it comes to anything related to or regarding weight loss. Every year we spend billions of dollars on just about anything to help us shed those extra unwanted pounds. You can practically buy anything from your diet pills, weight loss tea, weight loss shakes, weight loss supplements, and even prepared weight loss foods. If you eat out at your favorite fast food joint you'll find the calories boldly listed next to your favorite burger, as if it were really meant to deter you from buying that juicy quarter pounder. The truth is most, if not all, diets do not work. Why? We'll get to that in a minute. First, some in-a-nutshell explanation on how we gain weight.

Our bodies eat foods that supply our cells with life-nourishing macro-nutrients in the form of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats as well as micro-nutrients in the form of minerals and trace elements. How much food we need to eat is dependent on many factors. These factors are:

     1. How much calories our bodies need in order to perform our daily activities.
     2. Our state of health. Are we recovering from a sickness or disease?
     3. Our age. As we get older we need to adjust our nutritional needs to boost immunity and replenish cells.
Food consumption is the only way we can restore our bodies to their optimal health. It's simply energy ingested in the form of food equating to energy expelled in the form of work. Heat is the trade off that is why we perspire every time we exercise. Weight loss becomes our problem when we gain weight excessively. Did you know that 70% of americans are obese? Obesity is a national health problem as it leads to a lot of lifestyle diseases like Coronary Heart Disease, Diabetes, and Cancer. Since we can't burn off the excess energy we ingested we store them away in cells specialized in storing unused energy in the form of fat, our adipocytes or adipose cells. The standard by which we measure an individual to determine whether that individual is overweight or not is through the BMI or Body Mass Index. My approach to weight loss, however, is not to simply shed the pounds, but to give the patient a new outlook, a new level of confidence and self-esteem. It's not merely the whole process of losing weight that one has to consider. Just as important, if not more so, is the whole attitude towards weight loss. Instead of just saying to yourself ," I need to lose weight so I can feel better about myself.", try adding to that statement, " I need to lose weight so I can live longer and be with my family longer.".

We have to start thinking differently about how our bodies utilize the energy we consume in the form of food. My nutrition professor back in the day was fond of saying there is no such thing as junk food. All foods have nutritive values only that some have better values than others. If you were to start a weight loss regimen you would have to answer the following questions first:

     1. How much activity do I get in the form of work and exercise?
     2. Do I get enough sleep?
     3. Do I deal with stress on a daily basis?
     4. Do I have depression?
     5. Do I have good eating habits?
     6. How often do I eat in a day?

Before we delve further on answering these 6 questions let's deal with the most important issue regarding weight loss ( and, consequently, the whole purpose of this post). How do we change the way we think about weight loss? We have to CONDITION our minds to think on a different plane of thought when we finally decide to lose those extra pounds. There will be no more yo-yo diets and our constant battle to keep off the weight we lose when we remember this important fact- LOSING WEIGHT IS EASY, WHAT'S HARD IS COMMITTING OURSELVES. That's right. We lose our battles against obesity because we haven't conditioned ourselves enough on the way we see food. We eat compulsively and excessively and in the end feel bad about ourselves for doing so, but we can't really help ourselves. Sounds familiar?

Weight loss isn't about those weight loss programs we pay too much money for, or those weight loss shakes that gets over-endorsed by just about any athlete out there, or those supplements that's supposed to help you  burn fat faster and sooner. No!!!! Losing weight is about loving yourself enough and loving your loved ones enough that you will commit to changing your life by changing your health. Lose the weight and feel good about yourself, and here is how:

    1. Answer the 6 questions above. How much food you eat depends on what you do. Are you a
        construction worker or a call center receptionist. You get the picture. Do you get enough sleep? Lack
        of sleep induces overproduction of a hormone called Leptin which has a role in regulating how much
        food we eat and how we burn it. Stress can also cause us to overeat and we tend to overlook doing it.
        Depression also causes overeating. Good eating habits isn't just about eating well-roundedly from the
        major food groups. It also deals with spacing, or how many times we eat during the day and around
        what times. Understanding how food cycles in our bodies can help us in managing or changing our
        eating habits. Did you know that decathlon athletes eat small but eat frequently?

    2. Avoid foods which leave you crawling for self-control. Avoid stimuli which will break you. Give
        yourself a pat on the back every time you win the struggle. It gets easier over time. That's how you
        begin your weight loss program.

     3. Learn this word and everything related to it- SATIETY. Learning to curb your appetite for food starts
         with learning what foods give you satiety sooner. Water also helps but not for everyone.

      4. Do your research. Before you try to lose weight you need to remove toxins from your body by doing
         a colon cleanse. The best way to colon cleanse is by juicing. Not only is it natural, it also replenishes as
         it detoxifies.

      5. Stick to a workout regiment you know you will FOLLOW. Let's face it, if you are anything like me, I
          don't think I can spend an hour a day in the gym making my muscles sore. I can, however, do brisk
          walking for 30 minutes a day to help my heart rate and my tolerance. Once I know I can do more
          then I will extend that to 45 minutes a day with short bursts of jogging. That is the way to get your
          metabolism to increase gradually. i usually prepare a light meal of fruit and a quarter cup of nuts once I
         am done. That way, I KNOW what I'll be having afterwards and not just mindlessly rummage through
         the fridge. And yes, you need to clean out that refrigerator. When I say clean out I mean all you will
         see is fruits, vegetables, yogurt, juices, water, and low fat milk.

      6. Talk to people more often who are also doing the same things you are doing, who are also
          campaigning their battles against obesity. Learn from their triumphs and lend a hand or an advice when
          you know it can help them. Knowing you are not alone helps a LOT.

       7. Don't be overzealous in buying weight loss supplements, weight loss tea, weight loss shakes, or
           whatever is marketed out there veered towards making you shed unwanted pounds faster than what
           is natural. Do things naturally and you will keep that fat off longer if not for good. know that losing
           weight takes time and how long will be ultimately dictated by your own body. Learn to listen to what
           your body tells you.

Lastly, don't give up on yourself. You have it in you to make this one count. You may not know it yet but a better, healthier, happier you awaits. Until our next post, JowelMD signing off.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Recognizing your Symptoms; How to ask your Doctor.

Symptomatology is a rather vague science. symptom progression as well as categorization isn't exactly exact. What's more important, rather, is your ability to take note of the symptoms as well as the signs that you may be experiencing or seeing so that on your next visit to your primary physician you can be prepared in describing how and what you feel.

When you feel ill you would want to be able to describe several things ( which we will cover in detail later) as well as discriminate your primary condition from other co-conditions which may accompany it. Furthermore, the role of every physician is undermining the root cause so it's always important to have in mind the time and frequency as well as predisposing factors which lead to whatever illness you may be experiencing.

We will talk about the most common symptom by which patients seek consult; pain. In describing pain there are several things to keep in mind. The quantity as well as the quality of pain you are feeling need to be addressed. How painful is it? Is the pain localized ( in or on a given area alone) or is it diffused ( generalized)? The next thing you would need to consider is or are the predisposing factors. What cause(s) your pain? The third thing to address is does your pain radiate to an area other than the point of origin ( what we doctors call referred pain)? The fourth thing is describing your pain in terms of character and severity. For instance chest pain can be described as boring pain or heaving pain or even it as if someone placed a 100 pound bag of cement over your chest. Lastly, you would want to take note of timing. When during the day do you usually experience your pain? For instance, patients with degenerative diseases like arthritis feel their pain during the early morning hours or late at night ( when it's usually colder). All these description in conjunction gives your physician a detailed description on what your illness is and helps in management.

When you see your doctor keep one thing in mind; not all cardinal signs and symptoms of a given disease manifest entirely or not at the same time. Hallmark features of some diseases may be entirely absent. One explanation for this is differing factors such as age, gender, race, lifestyle, and if other co-morbid diseases are also present. What is clear though is that when you neglect your symptoms they can become full blown diseases. Take for example fever. Having a fever is your own body's defense mechanism against invading pathogen. By resetting your core temperature pathogens will not be able to survive. So keep that in mind next time you get overzealous with you fever medication ( anti-pyretics).

Lastly, learn to listen to what your body tells you. Shortness of breath can mean many things other than you aren't getting enough exercise. Pain associated with minimal effort or even a simple infection can mean other things as well. Again, it is important to undermine the cause or predisposing factors. Being a well informed patient aids in clinching the diagnosis but more so it helps you understand your disease and the treatment process. I hope this helped, folks. Until out next post. You guys take care.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Food and Nutrition Guide For Your Kids

Good nutrition starts at home. Good nutrition practices starts at home as well. What our kids eat depend entirely on how we guide them towards proper and sound nutritional practices. Did you know that in some parts of the world malnutrition is the number one problem among children? Some kids don't eat enough and, therefore, would rather stay home or help out as bread-winners, than go to school. Here, in the U.S., the issue of malnutrition takes on a different spectrum as kids are becoming more and more obese. You see, under-nutrition and over-nutrition are two conditions classified under malnutrition.

It is then important to educate our kids what Proper Nutrition is and which food types and groups should be eaten more of or avoided if and whenever possible. Well, the funny thing is all that tastes so good turns out to be detrimental to our health and the health of our children. What's more, as our kids enter pre-school and even thereafter, there peers have a profound influence in what they choose to eat while at school. Besides that, media such as television encourage our children to eat more of what we normally call "junk food". Let me get one thing clear folks, all foods ( even junk foods) have nutritional value- but some foods are more nutritious than others. Having said that it's important then to slowly ween our kids away from foods poor in nutritional value and unhealthy eating habits and practices. Of course, as a parent, you should start by leading through example. If your kids see you eat ice cream, candy bars, chips, etc., they will immediately associate those foods as being good since mom and dad can't seem to get enough of them. What I mean is YOU are your kids Food and Nutrition Guide expert. Here are some guidelines which can help:

1. Make a poster of the Food Pyramid and every time your child gets something to eat in the fridge have him or her point to the pyramid, indicating what food group is she actually eating.
2. Lessen TV hours. A lesser exposure to food advertising won't encourage our kids to "try" that new candy bar.
3. Pack their lunches. Only pack what you prepare. Include a fruit or two and leave out the soda, chips, and cookies.
4. Talk to your kids about peer pressure and occasionally ask them what they had over at their friend's house for lunch if they were over.
5. Understand that as our kids grow their nutritional requirements change. As their bodies undergo physiologic changes, their cells and organ systems require more macro- and micro- nutrients.
6. Lessen your child's intake of sugar or sweet foods. Studies have shown that kids acquiring a sweet tooth early in life are usually overweight, obese, and diabetic as an adult.
7. Preparation is key. Try to think of ways to prepare green leafy vegetables, fishes, beans, pasta, and other food types they don't normally eat. A new recipe of green peas may entice little jimmy into eating his peas instead of pushing them to the side of his plate like he normally does.
8. Remember that the family's eating habits at home must be the same as when you go out. If the whole family goes out for a picnic don't go buying a bucket of greasy chicken when you can pack fruits, salads, sandwiches, cheeses, etc.
9. Start your kids early in activity. Don't let them sit around the house but encourage them to be active. By training their bodies to utilize glucose and other nutrients early, they will less likely be obese.
10. Teach your kids how to read food labels and let them know which stuff is good or bad in that little enclosed box. The best thing to do is to teach them that natural foods are always best, packed and packaged foods are a no-no.

Every parent has his or her way of educating their children on Proper Nutrition. Of course we should always practice what we preach and be informed or be aware of what constitutes good nutrition and good nutritional practices. Being your own "Food and Nutrition Guide For Your Kids" guru isn't easy, but as a parent your kids need you to be their expert. You'll be glad you did. So, happy packing folks ( lay off that soft drink for a while) and head out to the park for a quite Saturday afternoon picnic, and, oh yeah, grab a fruit basket at your local supermarket on your way there. Until our next post, take care guys.

How to stay Physically Fit

Most of us associate being physically fit with having an exercise program which we continuously maintain. While that may be true for the exercise-oriented individual the fact of the matter is you don't need to follow an exercise regiment in order to be physically fit. How is that possible you may ask? Well, being physically fit essentially means you are capable of doing physical activity on a sustained level. Of course the amount of work and its intensity may vary but the point is it's the amount of work you can do which defines how much physical activity you are capable of doing.

Let's get some basic groundwork laid out first. Physical activity, in essence, means any bodily movement that you do. Exercise, on the other hand, is something you plan or structure out. The goal of exercise is to be physically fit. Although there are standards which defines how fit you have to be in order to be physically fit the key here is there are some physical activity we can do which burns nearly or as much as exercising. Any chore that you can do around the house, given enough intensity and length of time, actually can give you a good cardiovascular workout, hence losing weight becomes a result of that.

One of the top leading causes of death in the United States is actually caused by a lifestyle choice we make and that is having a rather poor diet and lack of exercise. In this sense exercise can mean physical activity with effort as these individuals are often overweight, lethargic, and cannot sustain an exercise regiment. So the question becomes how do we become physically fit without actually exercising?

Our body is a very efficient machine in burning off calories. We metabolize the nutrients we ingest, replenish our cells with energy, do the daily activities we partake in, and excrete metabolic waste byproducts via our bowels, our urine, and even via our sweat. The point to remember is whatever we ingest we must burn off. If we do not we store these unused calories in our adipose tissues or fat cells. Over time we become overweight and fall into the category of being obese. A key factor in disease prevention is that a simple lifestyle decision making in your part can mean the difference between you acquiring a risk factor for lifestyle caused diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and others, or living a long and healthy life.

But enough of statistics and medical lingo; let's rundown over a list and pointers which you can do on a day to day basis which can actually improve your physical well-being and, in return, you feeling better about yourself.

1. The magic of walking- walking is a low intensity exercise that's not too hard on your knees and ankles. these joints, along with your lower back, are problematic areas if you are indeed overweight. Walking trains your body to utilize more of your reserve energy but on a longer scale unlike the short high intensity workouts afforded by weight lifting where you release energy in short bursts. Besides that walking is good for the heart. The moment you feel yourself breathing more than usual your heart is keeping pace with the amount of activity you do and your heart rate increases accordingly. A point to remember about walking though is allow yourself a cool down lap or go the extra block but at a leisurely pace. Wear comfortable shoes and loose clothing and bring water along.

2. If walking is difficult for you, get a bicycle.

3. Do your chores and more of them. For instance, don't pay some kid from your neighborhood ten bucks to do your yard, do it yourself. You'll be glad you did.

4. Do morning breathing exercises. Breathe deeply and slowly release the air you breathed in. This slow exhaling exercise trains our lungs and accessory muscles for increased volume so when we do exercise we will not experience any "air hunger" or shortness of breath (SOB).

5. Know your limits. Your body will tell you what your limits are. Over time, as you become more proficient in exercising those limits will become higher but don't push yourself just yet. Remember this; a lot of people fail to lose weight exercising because they push themselves too fast and too hard. The amount of fatigue they experience prevents them from exercising on a regular basis. Give your body time to adjust to the workload physiologically.

6. No amount of exercise can help you if you don't adjust the way you eat ( your diet ) accordingly. This is plain is and simple common sense. A point to take into consideration is on the days you know you will be doing strenuous activity. Since our body preferentially utilizes glucose from carbohydrates as a primary source of fuel this carbo-loading.

The benefits of increasing your daily activity towards physical fitness include:

1. You increase the number of good cholesterol(HDL) and decreasing what we call the bad cholesterol (LDL) thus lowering the risk for coronary heart disease and stroke.

2. Lower risk for adult onset diabetes. As your body utilizes glucose more efficiently your cells are more "primed" towards glucose uptake.

3. Increased bone density lowers the risk for degenerative diseases like osteoporosis and arthritis.

4. Lowers the risk for some cancers like Breast CA, Colonic CA, and others.

5. There is a direct correlation between people who exercise frequently and longevity.

Sometimes it's really hard to stick to a daily regiment such as exercising but it's all a matter of perspective. Eat less when you can't do a fair amount of exercise or physical activity. Make the first half of your morning walk a brisk one and cool down with the latter half. Consider your options about increasing daily physical activity. It's not really exercising in the fullest sense but it does help you burn those unwanted pounds off your waist, in a slow but steady rate. More on losing weight sensibly. Most of all, try to enjoy these activities. No sense of thinking about it as a tedious disease prevention you are forcing yourself to undertake. Did you know that exercising also affects your outlook in life? When you start to lose the weight and feel good about yourself you boosts your own self-esteem. Exercise also increases our "feel-good" hormones. Until our next post, take care.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Why Coconut Oil?

If I can have one oil to keep and ONLY one oil it would be coconut oil. It's THE oil of wonder oils. From the "tree of life", coconut oil or as it is commercially prepared, virgin coconut oil, has many health benefits way beyond its nutritional value. Its universal use even earned it the moniker the "universal healer" being able to heal and /or alleviate symptoms of many diseases and conditions. Coconut oil , as it turns out, is the highest containing Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCT) in any plant product. MCT's are unlike long chain triglycerides in that they are easily digested, absorbed, and easily metabolized for our body's needs.Long chain triglycerides involve more work and energy just to digest them and whatever our body doesn't use gets to be stored as FAT. Virgin coconut oil offers the following magical uses, allowing you to feel better today, tomorrow, and everyday with continual use:

1.Promote normal platelet function. Platelets aggregate or gather around new thrombi being formed and it is this thrombus formation that is solely responsible for arterial occlusion and plaque formation. It is this narrowing of our blood vessels which produce signs and symptoms of heart disease. Although the rate and amount of thrombus formation is also a function of the ratio of polyunsaturated and saturated fats we consume in our diets, it is the inherent role of the platelets which still govern.

2.Heart disease. Virgin coconut oil, being a Medium Chain Fatty Acid ( sometimes also called Medium Chain Triglyceride) is readily metabolized and absorbed in our body. Almost all is utilized as energy and unlike Long Chain Fatty Acids, whose excess are stored in our fat cells (adipose cells), Fatty Acids from virgin coconut oil are least likely to occlude our blood vessels, leading to heart disease. Other important roles afforded by this magic oil is it's anti-oxidant properties as well as it's role in maintaining normal platelet function.

3.Pregnant mothers. Pregnant mothers can avail of all the benefits given by virgin coconut oil in this long list as well as being an effective remedy for "morning sickness" all pregnant mothers experience during their first trimester of pregnancy.

4.Elderly. This oil should always be kept in the homes of our elderly. It offers so much health and therapeutic benefits that most people wonder how did they ever get by without it. As far as its benefits on digestion, on the immune system, and as an effective measure for the prevention of diseases such as heart disease and others are concerned, they can be found in this long list. The one benefit which I think is most useful for our elderly population is that virgin coconut oil can alleviate pain from arthritis. When heated and massaged over joints and limbs it provides an anti-inflammatory role against these diseases of the elderly.

5.Renal stones. Virgin coconut oil and coconut milk are effective deterrents against renal stones especially in individuals who are loosely labeled "stone-formers". A decreased incidence of Urinary Tract Infections also comes with this benefit.

6.Acne. Coconut milk when applied to the face helps clear acne as well as blackheads.

7.Tuberculosis. Virgin coconut oil is helpful for tuberculosis patients because it allows optimal absorption of the multivitamins co-prescribed with their TB drugs.

8.Typhoid. Typhoid as well as malaria have vomiting as an associated symptom with these diseases. Virgin coconut oil can alleviate vomiting in these diseases.

9.Ulcers. Virgin coconut oils are effective anti-emetics. They prevent vomiting associated with some diseases such as malaria and typhoid, as well as nauseated states. An added benefit to this is the less chance for the stomach to empty its contents and a lesser likelihood of ulcer formation.

10.Skin Moisturizer. If you read the labels found at the back of your favorite skin care products you'll find that most of them use virgin coconut oil as one of their major base oils. My preference and advise is to use the real thing instead, because there is rarely or ever a better substitute for coconut oil as a natural moisturizer for your skin. After taking a shower, apply it to your skin and you'll see that it's absorbed quite rapidly as you step out of your hot shower. Don't apply it to dry skin though unless you're into that greasy oily look.

11.Rashes and other skin conditions. Coconut oil is effective for Pregnant as well as nursing mothers who get eczema. Heat up a tablespoonful of coconut oil and apply over skin. This oil is also helpful in treating diaper rash on babies.

12.Immune Booster. Virgin coconut oil contains Lauric Acid which has been shown to give our immune system a much needed boost especially during times when it is suppressed or depressed. Our body's ability to mount an immune response can decrease significantly during some diseases as well as when taking medications. Again 3-4 tablespoonfuls daily is the ideal dosing of virgin coconut oil.

13.Detoxifier. It has been know for quite some time that virgin coconut oil is an effective laxative. Go beyond the recommended 3-4 tablespoons daily and you have the most natural detoxifying agent, cleansing out your digestive system for better absorption of food nutrients.

14.Dietary supplement. Virgin coconut oil has permissive effects in the absorption of multivitamins, especially B-complex vitamins and the fat soluble vitamins D, A, E, and K. In a sense, it enhances the absorption of these vitamins. Tuberculosis patients, patients suffering from anemia, children with Rickets and any disease which causes vitamin deficient states can greatly benefit from this oil.

15.Malnutrition. Virgin coconut oil is easily absorbed and utilized for energy. It's an effective first line health supplement for malnourished individuals.

16. Thyroid. The Medium chain triglycerides found in virgin coconut oil enhance thyroid function. Thyroid hormones have many roles in our body and some of their most relevant roles are having to do with our metabolism, our immune system, and growth.

17.Diabetes. virgin coconut oil balances our serum glucose levels and has is especially effective with pregnant mothers suffering with gestational diabetes. It also improves insulin secretion from the pancreas.

18.Alzheimer's Disease. Our neural tissues are made of complex fats some of which are prone to oxidation. It is this oxidation of these lipids which is the most common early cause of this disease. Virgin coconut oil is not easily oxidized because it's highly saturated. Reports have been conducted in the medical community where drastic improvements were observed in patients with Alzheimer's disease taking virgin coconut oil as supplement to their diet.

19.Colon Cancer. Virgin coconut oil by way of it's anti-oxidant properties is an effective prevention of Cancer.

20.Memory enhancer. Our brain has a preference for Medium Chain Fatty Acids such as those found in virgin coconut oil hence this oil helps alleviate memory loss.

21.Fertility. Coconut milk or even virgin coconut oil is a rich source of magnesium, potassium, and other "alkalizing" minerals. Alkalizing the body is conducive for conception.

22.Rheumatism. Virgin coconut oil has very good anti-inflammatory properties. Heat a tablespoonful over a candle and wait for it to cool only for a bit. Apply and massage deeply over joints. heating the oil allows for faster absorption.

So, that's our Top 22 magical uses of this oil from the Tree of Life. Everyday, as households all over America are discovering, new uses, both medicinally and therapeutically, arise. Until our next post...take care of yourselves and one another. Thanks again for your time.

The Top 10 Herbals You Must Have

There are a handful of herbs you can buy commercially out there which are what I call "essential herbs". These little organic wonders are worth their weight in gold in terms of their medicinal as well as therapeutic values. Medicine has advanced to the point that key enzymes as well as other key proteins from these herbs has been isolated and verified for their healing attributes on certain diseases and conditions. No longer do we have to take the words of "herbalogists" as I'd like to call them, when we can prove the merit of these herbs in a scientific manner. So, here they are:

1. Garlic. garlic is one of those herbs that should be the first in line when we talk of PREVENTION. Many cultures around the world have made it the staple herb for cure and preventive purposes. It contains a compound called ALLICIN which, it turns out, has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. Garlic is good for your heart, boosts your immune system, helps cleanse your liver, and has anti-inflammatory as well as anti-cancer properties too.

2. Aloe Vera. This plant has become a staple in households all over America and with good reason for doing so. Aloe vera soothes sunburnt skin as well as sores. It contains an anti-itch compound called MAGNESIUM LACTATE making it extremely useful for itches, rashes, insect bites, and other skin conditions. It has been shown to be a potent cellular regenerator if eaten. So, your common household aloe vera plant isn't just for moisturizing your skin anymore.

3. Basil. Basil is another herb whose medicinal and therapeutic value far outweighs its culinary charm. Basil essential oil is used in aromatherapy to help relieve stress. Its other uses, however, are the following; used in cough, colds, and asthma to provide relief. Used to treat skin problems like acne and helps moisturize skin and hair. The oil has anti-oxidant properties which can help delay aging and is beneficial in preventing diseases like cancer. The oil is also strongly anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-inflammatory as well.

4. Lemon. And you thought all that zest was only for taste. Lemon juice when mixed with water, as in lemonade, isn't just a summer refreshment anymore. Who would have thought that during the time you were selling lemonade down the street for a quarter a glass when you were a kid you were actually helping some old folk with his or her rheumatism. Well, rheumatism isn't the only condition lemon is good for, mind you. It's also good for it's blood purifying properties; it can cure heartburn; it has anti-aging properties when applied to the skin; it helps cure respiratory conditions such as asthma, it can help control high blood pressure; and it can help you lose weight too. Lemon also helps in cleansing the liver as well as flushing the body of wastes and unwanted toxins.

5. Coffee. Surprised? When I was still in college I used to drink gallons of coffee before my exam to help me stay alert at least long enough to finish a chapter of anything, let alone try to memorize the thing. Mom used to always tell me that I drink too much coffee and I'd end up a nervous wreck and so anxiety-ridden. Well, as it turns out, folks, coffee is indeed good for you. I mean it's the only herb you can drink and not even see it as one. It prevents Strokes, Diabetes, Arrhythmias, Asthma, Liver Cirrhosis, Dementia, and Parkinson's disease. Need we list more? So, pour me another cup will you...

6. Oregano. Oregano is one of those herbs I have a warm spot for in my heart. Not only is it a delight to use around my kitchen when I cook, but it's minty smell is refreshing. A member of the mint family, its medicinal uses comes from the oil extract made from this herb. It is strongly anti-bacterial; has been shown to aid in the recovery from respiratory ailments; has anti-oxidant properties; aids in digestion; is anti-spasmodic; and can help clear out blocked sinuses.

7. Camomile. This herb comes in two flavors, as an oil and as tea. The herb is an effective anti-bacterial; it helps children fall asleep; it is perfect ( in tea form) for ulcers induced by stress and anxiety; an effective natural relaxing herb without side effects; it's helpful in stomach aches, cramps, and diarrhea; is also anti-inflammatory.

8. Ginger. This Herb is my next favorite second only to garlic. Zingiber oficionale, as ginger is scientifically called has been used for centuries as an herb to aid digestion. Ginger root is boiled and drank for these ailments. It's use, however, far surpasses that. It has been shown to reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes as well as helps in maintaining a stable lipid profile by controlling the amount of absorbed cholesterol.Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties and so is helpful for patients suffering from arthritic pain. Ginger also promotes better circulation in our bodies. It has been shown to be effective for nausea and vomiting and other related symptoms experienced by post-operative patients. It also helps alleviate abdominal pain and menstrual abdominal cramps. Ginger is also effective as a decongestant because it relaxes the muscles around blood vessels hence is very effective for flu-like symptoms and colds.

9. Ginseng. Ginseng is probably the most famous herb today, due to it's historical track record and its properties. The herb has been used in many places of the world for centuries because of it's healing properties and immune boosting effects. It is rich in the mineral Zinc, which is needed by thymic hormones for proper functioning of the immune system. It has also been shown to increase stamina, improve memory, aids the body in coping with stress, and is also a diet supplement for its appetite curbing effects.

10. Ginkgo Biloba. Often called the "wonder herb" or "power herb" for its many, and I mean MANY, uses. From the Ginkgo tree, this herb is a potent circulation enhancer making its effectiveness in disease where poor circulation is an issue evident. Patients suffering from stroke, erectile dysfunction, peripheral neuropathy in diabetics, and even diseases where cerebral insufficiency is a problem. It has been shown to prevent depression, asthma, vertigo, allergy, dementia, headaches, and helps relieve stress, anxiety, and tension. It's most famous use, however, is in college students who take them while studying for exams. The increased cerebral circulation aids in retention.

So there is our list of the Top 10 Herbs we couldn't do without. even if you don't have all that in your household try to keep at least a few. The power of these herbs in helping prevent diseases, extending your life, and improving the quality of life shouldn't be neglected. Once again, until our next post. Be good to yourselves...and to one another. And be good to your herbs too...oh man, I think it's time for that 3rd cup of coffee..Thanks for your time.

Foods for a Healthier Heart

Your Heart deserves a healthy serving of foods that will not only help prevent heart disease but also ensure optimal performance. Try to imagine the heart as a pump which pumps out 5 to 6 liters of blood continually all over our body every minute of every day for the rest of our lives, bathing our tissues and organs in life nourishing nutrients. Since Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States, it's important on your part to have an idea of the food types which have beneficial effects on our hearts. The way to go about maintaining a balanced and healthy diet is to not stick with just a particular food group. Make it a habit of incorporating fruits, vegetables, grains, and nuts in your daily meals, as well as cheeses and yogurt. Remember that ALL FOOD have nutritional value, some having more than others.

Nutrition has developed into a science so these days it's more than just our preference of taste. Now you must understand that Heart Disease is a rather broad term and there are many forms of heart diseases. These food types affect the heart and consequently decrease the risk for heart Disease by mechanisms included under each food type. The following have been shown to decrease the risk for Heart Disease as well help our Heart to perform optimally:

1. Apples. Why are they good for my heart?

The old saying,"An apple a day keeps the doctor away.", still holds true to this day and age. Apples are rather versatile fruits in that you can carry them around in your pocket and even slice them up and add them to your favorite salad. Besides being a good source for fiber it contains QUERCETIN, a phytochemical which has anti-inflammatory properties as well as help prevent development of blood clots.

2. Oatmeal. Why is it good for my heart?

Oatmeal and foods rich in fibers such as wheat bread help our digestion in that they constitute for bulk. They also absorb some of our bad cholesterol ( LDL Cholesterol) in transit helping to lower our total body cholesterol. Oatmeals are jam-packed with omega 3 fatty acids, folic acid, magnesium, niacin, calcium, and potassium as well.

3. Almonds. Why are they good for my heart?

Almonds are rich in fiber and omega 3 fatty acids which helps prevent inflammation and reduces the risk for plaque formation in our blood vessels. They also contain anti-oxidizing supplements like Vit. E, phytosterols, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats.

4. Red Wine. Why is it good for my heart?

Red wine is a staple in the diets of some cultures and for good reason. It not only primes our taste buds making our meals all the more enjoyable but also contains an anti-oxidant called RESVERATROL which has been shown to be good for our heart.

5. Tomatoes and tomato sauce. Why are they good for my heart?

Tomatoes contain a natural substance called LYCOPENE. It's also good for the heart. What's worth noting is that the canned tomatoes or your favorite brand of tomato sauce actually contains more lycopene than raw tomatoes. Lycopene decreases the incidence of stroke, heart disease, and the ageing of our vessels.Lycopene can also be found in watermelons, grapefruit (pink), papaya, apricots, and guava (surprise!).

6. Salmons, Sardine, Herring, and Tuna. Why are they good for my heart?

These "oilY" fishes contain a fish oil called omega 3 fatty acid which reduces the risk for clot formation in the blood vessels as well as being a potent anti-inflammatory agent. What's more, salmon contains a potent anti-oxidizing carotenoid called ASTAXANTHIN.

7. Tofu and Soy Milk. Why are they good for my heart?

Tofu reduces the risk for heart disease because it can be used as a protein substitute.Soy contains compounds called Isoflavones which has been shown to reduce total cholesterol levels by 10%.

8. Olive Oil. Why is it good for my heart?

Olive oil has been shown to reduce LDL cholesterol thereby lowering total body cholesterol and risk for heart disease.

9. Green Leafy Vegetables. Why are they good for my heart?

Besides being packed with nutrients and trace elements like iron, green leafy vegetables are also jam-packed with folic acid. Folate or folic acid lowers homocysteine levels in our body. They are also excellent sources of LUTEIN, POTASSIUM, not to mention being fiber rich as well.

10.Garlic and Onions. Why are they good for my heart?

Sulfur compounds in garlic lower our bad cholesterol (LDL) and helps lower blood pressure as well. Onions contain the natural plant anti-oxidant QUERCETIN, which has a protective role in heart disease and cancer.

11.Avocado. Why is it good for my heart?

Avocadoes are the go to guys when you want fast transit of beta-carotene rich foods as well as lycopene rich ones. How do they do that? They aid faster absorption of these carotenoid containing foods.They also lower LDL cholesterol and helping raise the level of HDL cholesterol (the good cholesterol) Via the unsaturated fat OLEIC ACID, of which they have in abundance..

12.Blueberries. Why are they good for my heart?

Blueberries and berries in general are good cardiovascular foods in that they are packed with anti-inflammatory substances which helps reduce the risk for heart disease. Rich in Vit. C, Potassium, Magnesium, Lutein(a carotenoid), and Beta-carotene. NOTE: Raspberries contain ELLAGIC ACID which has been shown to stall the growth of some cancers.

13.Black beans and Kidney beans. Why are they good for my heart?

Fiber rich (soluble type) and contains omega 3 fatty acids and trace elements like calcium.

14.Flaxseed. Why is it good for my heart?

Contain omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids, phytoestrogens, and fiber. Best served ground and mixed in with other foods.

15.Brown Rice. Why is it good for my heart?

Rich in niacin, B-vitamins,and magnesium. Excellent source of fiber too.

16.Carrots. Why are they good for my heart?

Beta-carotene, the antioxidant found in orange colored vegetables and some green leafy ones held lower heart disease because of it's anti-oxidant properties. Beta-carotene's true forte, however, is it's anti-cancer role.

17.Broccoli. Why is it good for my heart?

Broccoli is rich in Vit. C, Vit. E, Calcium, Folic acid, Potassium, Beta-carotene, not to mention fiber-rich as well.

18.Asparagus. Why is it good for my heart?

Besides an excellent source of fiber, asparagus is rich in B-vitamins, folic acid, and beta-carotene.

19.Red bell peppers. Why are they good for my heart?

Contains beta-carotene, B-vitamins, Folic acid, Lutein, and Potassium.

20.Oranges. Why are they good for my heart?

Besides the usual Vit. C, oranges have a multitude of other "good stuff" which are all good for your heart. These include Beta-carotene, Potassium, Folic acid, and if you're going to eat the fruit or drink the pulp filled juice, an excellent source of fiber too.

21.Tea. Why is it good for my heart?

Contains Flavonoids and Catechins which are anti-oxidants that help lower blood pressure and bad cholesterol (LDL), as well as their protective role on blood vessels.

22.Dark Chocolate. Why is it good for my heart?

Contains Reservatrol and Flavonoids which are also anti-oxidants with similar roles as those found in tea.

23.Papaya. Why is it good for my heart?

Papayas are amazing fruits. In the tropics they are eaten up in any which way or form in terms of preparation and recipes. Nevertheless, they are jam packed with Beta-carotene, Calcium, Vit. C, Folic acid, Vit. E, Potassium, and Magnesium.

24.Cantaloupe. Why is it good for my heart?

One of my favorite fruits, especially when served cold. Also rich n Beta and alpha carotene, B-vitamins, and Vit. C.

25.Acorn squash. Why is it good for my heart?

Rich in B-vitamins, Vit. C, Folic acid, Potassium, Magnesium,, Calcium.

26.Peanuts. Why are they good for my heart?

Full of unsaturated or "good" fat and studies show it can lower the risk for heart disease by as mush as 20%.

27.Sweet potato. Why is it good for my heart?

Rich in Vitamins C, E, A. Also, like broccoli, it's rich in Beta-carotene.

28.Wheatgerm. Why is it good for my heart?

Rich in magnesium, an important co-factor for our body's enzymes as well as Vit. E, an important anti-oxidant.

30.Bananas. Why are they good for my heart?

Bananas are packed with Potassium which helps lower blood pressure.

In truth, keeping your heart healthy involves not just picking the right foods. Among the many that should be on top of your list is LIFESTYLE CHANGES.By that I mean eradicating risk factors for heart disease such as smoking, alcohol, diets rich in high fat foods, a sedentary lifestyle, and stress. Also, it's important to understand that other concomitant diseases can have profound effects or even lead to heart disease ( diabetes, for example).Here are more pointers that's sure to help:

1. PREPARATION. Often times, food preparation is just as important as food selection. Don't overcook your food. With vegetables, practice steaming them until half-cooked instead of boiling.

2. Know your FATS. Avoid saturated or "heavy" fats as well as meals high in fats.

3. Be a Smart Shopper. A little shopping sense goes a long way. Always buy fresh and consume perishables before they go bad.

4. Make a habit to read your labels. Two boxes you should look out for are the RDA's and Ingredients boxes.

5. Practice good substitution. Know your "good" foods and food groups so substituting won't have to be at the expense of taste. For example, you can substitute tofu for meat on some dishes and you won't even know it's there.

Lastly, Don't forget to exercise when you can, eat less when you can't. It's just as important to keep your heart fit, not just well-fed. Well, until our next post. Take care of yourselves and each other, and do take good care of your heart. be seeing you guys...